Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Moving Today

The movers are coming today. Actually, by now they've already arrived. I had always said that we needed to use movers but Chris wanted to do it all himself and save some money. Then, we spent the last three weeks working non-stop on the house and he agreed that movers would be good.

The extra money from the install he did this week didn't hurt either.

I have to work all day, so they should be done by the time I get home. And then I get to start unpacking. I'm actually excited about that - I'm so ready to have all of my stuff around me again. I'm sure we'll go thru a week or two where we can't find everything, but it'll be better than not having it at all.

I'm going to try some before and after pictures - I hope this works:

The Master Bedroom Before:

The Master Bedroom After:

The Living Room Before:

The Living Room After:

I didn't take an after picture of the living room from the same angle, but you get the idea.

These were the two rooms that we made the biggest change in. We're not painting the entry or the hallway until we get all the furniture moved in, so we don't have to repaint anything. We haven't decided what to do in my office yet. We were going to do concrete stain on the floor, but there's a crack where the slab meets the stem wall and if we fill it in with concrete, we'd have to wait 30 days before we could do the floor. So now I have no idea what the plan is. Maybe some ceramic tile. Who knows. It's not stopping us from moving in, so we'll worry about it later.

I'm so excited. Today we officially move in!!!


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