Monday, July 17, 2006


Of course we missed the hootenanny. We pulled up just as people started exiting the building. The good news is that it was indoors, which means that next year we don't have to worry about how hot it is, we can just go and enjoy it!

That's okay though, we had a good time anyway. We stopped at the store and bought some munchies and headed out to Okema lake. I still can't swim damn it. Another week before I go to the doctor, and he'd better tell me I can go swimming again! Still, it is a very nice lake, amazingly clear, and we will be going back again soon. But it was too hot to sit out there without being able to get wet (I'd not planned on getting wet, so didn't have appropriate shoes. I just can't walk barefooted in a lake - ick.) I told Chris he could go swim if he wanted, but he said if I had to suffer, he'd suffer too. I think he was just afraid that I'd really make him suffer if he got to cool off and I didn't!

Anyway, we had a nice time just driving around, enjoying each other's company. It is time to start looking for a fuel efficient car though - $2.839/gallon in a truck that gets approximately 15 mpg's (I may be optimistic with that figure) isn't cheap.

Then we headed to Steak & Ale for their all you can eat prime rib - our very favorite dinner of all time. Four hours later I still couldn't fall asleep cuz I was still so full. Mmmmm.


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