Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Have I said 99.99999% sure yet?

I've been told to quit worrying about the seller signing the contract. It's a bank out of CA and apparently this is pretty standard for them (taking a long time to do stuff).

I signed the loan paperwork last night, inspection and appraisal is scheduled for Thursday, and closing has been scheduled for 11:00 on the 31st.

Sounds like it's ours!!!!!!!

Barring any disasters found during the inspection tomorrow. I do know that we don't have termites - the seller already had that inspection done.

Now I get to go pick out carpet and paint - what do you think, every room in a different color? Chris wants to do all white paint and tile etc. He's worried about when we go to sell the house (hypothetically in 5 or 10 years). I keep telling him that I'm not buying an investment property, I'm buying a home. And it's not going to be white! I've promised not to put in purple carpet or anything like that, but I do want some color in the house.

Ah, the joys of marital compromise! I have a feeling it's just starting.

(Is it Freudian that I typed martial instead of marital?)


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