Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I finished it!

I finished the final Harry Potter book last night. Without going into details, I was pretty pleased with it over all. There were parts where I went "I KNEW it!" and "You've got to be kidding me." And there was even a part where I cried. Well, not cried, but shed a few tears anyway. It had a pretty good ending, and no possibility that there will be future books in the series. (I've been waiting to hear someone say "but there could be another". Not happening)

I'm going to miss them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I finished on Monday on my lunch break. I told my friend that I should get a reward for working when all I wanted to do was read. I let someone at work borrow my book and I regreted it immediately. I can't wait to read it again.


10:30 PM  
Blogger bookworm said...

I told my boss the same thing. He let me go to the post office at 10:30 to pick it up (we did need some stamps too, but usually he goes). Then I was complaining because I have a final this weekend and I had to hurry up and finish the book so that I could study for it. He asked if I shouldn't be studying first and reading the book after the final? Probably, but it wasn't going to happen!

So what did you think of it? Be sure and put a Spoiler Alert at the top of your comment, just in case Jamie hasn't read it yet and reads this.

4:45 PM  

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