Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Cheer

We had an exciting weekend. Friday Chris caught the next-door neighbor’s 5-year-old kid, who had climbed the 6’ privacy fence, squirting Glass Plus at Rascal. Chris asked the kid not to do that because it could make Rascal sick. These people have 4 kids, the oldest is the 5 year old, and the youngest is a couple months old. I can only imagine how busy this woman is, but she lets those kids play outside unsupervised all the time. I personally would not want my 5 year old climbing a 6’ tall fence, especially when if he falls, it’s going to be on a concrete sidewalk. But that’s just me.

Friday night we went to a client’s Christmas party – they gave me one of those box towers of truffles – you know, a 5 boxes that get progressively bigger, stacked up, and each box has a different flavor in it! Yum. So we got home fairly late, and I didn’t go to bed until after 2:00. I woke up around 10:00 and walked into the living room to find a bottle of Glass plus, minus the sprayer part of it, laying on the floor. There was still just a little wetness inside the bottle, but I didn’t find any wet spots in the house, so I didn’t worry too much about it. Then about an hour later, I found the spray part of the bottle, chewed up, along with the little tube that sucks up the liquid. About an hour after that, Rascal threw up, and her head started bobbing, kinda like she had a mild Parkinson’s or something.

So of course we rushed her to the emergency vet, and they decided they wanted to keep her overnight for observation. Turned out she was fine, they did bloodwork to make sure her kidneys and what all were okay. And of course, everyone there was gathered around her cuz she’s the sweetest, cutest thing you ever did see, and one of these days I’ll get some more pictures up so that you can see for yourselves!

Chris is terribly upset. Well, ok, he’s pissed. We’re going to give the vet bill to the neighbors and ask them to pay it, but I really don’t think they will. It was $215 that I would rather have spent somewhere else, but it’s worth knowing that Rascal is okay.

In other news, my Christmas shopping is done, except I’ve got to pick up a few stuffers’ for Mom’s stocking. Oh, and someone I know hasn’t bothered to tell me what she wants for Christmas. HINT HINT HINT. I’m going today to get some gift cards, and I’d really hate for that to be this person’s gift, but since I’m running out of time………….

If I don’t make it back here before then, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Hello again!

I’m just finishing up a nice long vacation. I was scheduled to be off this last week, but with the snow storm the previous Thursday, I’ve been off work since 11/30/06! Of course, I don’t think I have enough vacation time to cover the whole period, but it was still pretty nice.

Actually, it would have been pretty nice if I didn’t have this sinus infection for the whole time! I’m finally pretty much over it, but it did put a stop to most of our vacation plans. We ended up staying home and sleeping a lot. We did get a little Christmas shopping done, but not near what I had originally planned – and always after 5:00. Really smart, huh?

I did get 2 pieces of good news this week though. First, I won second place on the ethics essay contest I entered - $500 scholarship for next semester! With the other school scholarship I got, that covers all of my classes and part of my books as well!

The second was that my last pap was normal!!!!!!!! Thank God. Now, I have to take folic acid for 6 weeks, and then we can start trying to get pregnant. I know, I should have already been taking the folic acid. I just never even thought about it.

This week is the first time I’ve ever really felt my biological clock ticking. It started even before I got the test results back. I was flipping channels, and there was a video on CMT (yes Jamie, I’m actually starting to like country music – a little! And just the newer, rock-type country). The father was singing the song about his little boy and how the little boy wanted to grow up just like his dad. And it was the cutest tow-headed little boy. And I wanted to have that, and to give that to Chris.

From that point on, everything on TV has little kids or pregnant women, and I want that so bad. I’ve always wondered if I could even get pregnant, you know, 36 years old and it’s never happened, and there’s been plenty of opportunity. Always before I thought “If it happens, great. If not, that’s okay too.” And now I really want to be a mom and I’m afraid that it won’t happen. So now we just have to wait and see.

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