I read. A lot. Anything, the back of a cereal box if nothing else is available. I never leave home without a book. Never. Once, we were short on money and I ran out of books. I had already re-read all of my books, some of them a couple times. I knew that if I said anything, Chris would tell me to go to the bookstore, but we really couldn't afford it, so I kept quiet for about three days.
I swear to God that I went thru withdrawal! Seriously, I was bored and fidgity and smoking more than usual. (Yes, I know, smoking is bad for me and it's going to kill me and....I'm trying to quit, it's just not going very well. Quitting illegals was easier than cigarettes.) Chris finally figured out what was wrong and sent me to the store, but it was a bad couple days.
I've thought about doing a blog for awhile now. I enjoy reading several blogs, and like the idea of being able to put my thoughts out there anonomously. I'm 35, and married for the first time last May. I never thought I'd get married. In fact, I swore I wouldn't. And then I met the man of my dreams. A redneck of all things, but the only man for me.
I work full time as an accountant at a CPA firm. I've gone back to school to get my degree in Accounting. I started with the accounting classes, since I still don't think the general education requirements should be required. At this point in my life, I don't really care about the Ancient History of the Western Civilization - other than what I watch on Discovery. I just shouldn't have to pay to learn about it.
I do have to brag on myself, I was "Invited to submit my biography for inclusion in the National Dean's List". I'm pretty proud of that fact, especially since I dropped out of high school twice, and have attempted to go to college more times than I care to admit. I've worked hard though, am carrying a 3.885 grade point average (One damn B, ONE!) I'm carrying 9 hours this semester, which is worrying me a little, but I think I'm going to be able to manage it.
In addition, we recently had to put my dad in a nursing home (I'm sure I'll be posting a lot more about him), so I spend as much time visiting him as possible. I hated having to put him in there, but the place he's in takes really good care of him.
Now to figure out how to add some pictures and links...